What is Web App Development? It is the process of creating software applications that run on the internet instead of your computer or phone. These apps can be accessed through a web browser, like Chrome or Safari, without needing to download or install anything.

In web app development, developers work to make sure the app works smoothly across different devices and browsers, like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They also focus on making the app user-friendly, with features that are easy to navigate and understand.



1. University Website and Application Form

Project Type:Front end

Objective: to create a university website for that mimics a gothic, dark and gloomy theme, inspired by Harry Potter's Hogwarts School and to create a complimentary close to operational application form for propestive students to apply

Tools Utilized: Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Click the buttons below to learn more about the University of Blackmourne Hollows at Shadowbrook 💀

2. Akunna Tech Studio Website

Project Type:Front end

Objective: to create a place to showcase my portfolio, resume, offer services, etc. And creating it helped me become more comfortable with web design, making web pages and apps mobile responsive and utlizing front-end frameworks that make creating front-end projects quicker and easier 😊

Tools Utilized: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and BootStrap

3. Job Application Platform with Automated Evaluation

Project Type:Full Stack

Automated Evaluation = Applicant Tracking System and more (ATS+)

Objective: to understand the skills of software engineers by mining their resumes, to gain insights that would help me complete my own resume and create a job application platform, to generate a cover letter, to make an ATS+ for a Software Engineer job position

Application Process: Applicant completes and submits form Form is sent to Google Cloud Storage Bucket Form is retrieved from bucket Form is processed by the evaluation code Applicant is scored

Tools Utilized: HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Google Cloud Storage, Python (nltk), and Git

Project Components:
Data Mining Resumes 📌
Job App Platform with Cloud Storage Integration
Cover Letter Generation
Automated Evaluation 📌


Job App Platform with Cloud Storage Integration

Do you think you are qualified for a position at Neptune Technologies? 😁
Unfortunately, the node app is not being hosted publicly, but you can view the job application and watch the video below to see it in action! img

Cover Letter Generation

Asked Chat GPT to generate a cover letter using:
Resume + Top 50 words + Top 20 word pairs + Top 10 verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and nouns + Preferred qualifications

4. Quasar Job Board Platform

Project Type:Front end

Objective: to design and implement a front-end job board platform for technology-related positions, integrating intuitive navigation and interactive elements. Utilize contemporary web development methodologies to craft an aesthetically pleasing and functional interface catering to the needs of both job seekers and employers

Tools Utilized: React, Material UI, JavaScript XML, Vite, HTML, Hooks, and Tailwind CSS

5. Mental Health Robot Assistant

Project Type:Front end

Objective: to create a mobile-responsive, web-based robot mental health assistant called Mojo, by leveraging DOM manipulation. Mojo provides me with support resources depending on how I am feeling

Tools Utilized: jQuery, BootStrap, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

6. History Quiz App

Project Type:Full Stack

Objective: to leverage Flask (Python's micro webframework) to create and design a simple mobile responsive quiz app on the political history of Nigeria, strictly for educational purposes

Tools Utilized: Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

7. Nduka Social Media App

Project Type:Full Stack

Objective: to create a supportive social media platform, enabling safe sharing of personal traumas and self help resources, in addition to fostering mutual support, implementing features like user content management and anonymous account creation

Tools Utilized: MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js, Express.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Postman, and Vite

Looks a bit like Facebook, right? Don't worry, this is not the final version! The entire project is about 70% complete. Server side code is available! More updates coming soon...