
What are iOS apps? They are are software applications specifically designed and developed to run on Apple's iOS operating system, which powers devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. These apps are available for download from the Apple App Store and can provide a wide range of functionalities, from games and entertainment to productivity tools and utilities, tailored to the iOS ecosystem. Below are what is needed to develop and deploy them.

  • Mac Computer
  • Xcode IDE
  • Design Tools
  • Swift Programming Language
  • Apple Developer Account


1. Faithify iOS App

Objective: to empower users to deepen their christian faith through scripture memorization and reflection, by offering randomized Bible verses centered on themes of love, grace, faith, hope, and resilience, interactive quizzes for comprehension assessment, and personalized goal tracking features.

Tools Utilized: Swift, SwiftUI, JSON, Firebase, Alamofire, Core Data, and Combine

The app is currently undergoing some upgrades...


2. Instagram Post View

Objective: to develop a replica of Instagram's user-friendly post view interface, where users can view and interact with posts by liking and bookmarking them.

Tools Utilized: Swift, SwiftUI

More projects are available on Github